Joy is not made to be a crumb.
"If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don't hesitate. Give in to it…joy is not made to be a crumb."
July was very full, tough at moments, AND full of such joy - reminding me again and again of this Mary Oliver poem. Too often our culture will have us shying away from these moments. Minimizing them, deprioritizing them. I'm more and more clear all the time, though, that joy is not made to be a crumb. If we want to make change, disrupt the status quo, be a part of cultivating different and better outcomes, joy is a necessity. In abundance.
A sampling of my abundant July joy…Birthday candles. Toothless smiles. Summer veggies. Watching my partner achieve the seemingly impossible. Hearing our kiddos cheer him on as the sun comes up. Holding space. My 6-year old facilitating an icebreaker. ❤️ Fresh flowers. The buzz of an important conversation. Lake Street Dive serenades. First-time backbends & book reads. Thank you notes. Disposable cameras (they still exist!). Buckets of sweat. Laughter with my people. Water. Sunsets.
What has been a source of joy for you this past month?